Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Word fun with Uncle BIll

Today’s word is Negotiation. Here is how it works!

“Hey wait a minute!”, you exclaim, “You said yesterday that today’s word was going to be ‘Integrity’!...” …Well yes, Boys and Girls, yes I did, but I Prevaricated!!

See what fun we are having with words already!!

Whether you pronounce Negotiation “Ne-go-SHE- a- shun” or “Ne-go-SEE-a-tion” it really doesn’t matter. This ain’t no frickin’ English course. You want that, go back to school. This is a lesson in how to have FUN with words. Here is how the word Negotiation works…

Let’s say that you always pay the neighbor guy 10 bucks to mow the lawn. One day you decide, no way!! So you tell him that you are now paying him 33 cents. You also want your gardens weeded and he has to fire his bookkeeper and do the books himself.

He says, “Okay, how about you pay me 7 dollars and 50 cents and we’ll talk about everything else.”

And then you say, “No way. 33 cents is it. Take it now or tomorrow it’s gonna be less.”

And so he says, “Okay, how about you pay me 7 dollars and we talk about everything else. I have to be able to keep my mower sharp, I have a crew to pay, I really need my bookkeeper and I have a family”.

And now is the really fun part because you say, “NO way. 33 cents is it. And because you waited so long, now in addition to wanting my gardens weeded, anyone new you hire only gets 4 cents an hour.” Then because you are really clever you continue, “Of course I would be happy to talk with you anytime about what direction you mow the lawn from!”

Guess what?? You are Negotiating! Even though you are completely steadfast in your resolve to have what you want, you have found a way to bend ever so slightly in a Category 10 hurricane! Words are so much fun!

But wait, there’s more, because then you say, “I don’t really want to talk about what the word ‘Negotiating’ means, because if we do then we’d know that I am…”… and what’s the word here Boys and Girls??… “…PREVARICATING…”… Yes!!! Very Good!!! … “…but I will be happy to talk to you ANY time about when you mow my lawn or the color of hat you wear to work.”

So Boys and Girls, enough word fun for today. What is tomorrow’s word? Hey, I know! Let’s Negotiate and find out! Okay, tomorrow’s word will be “Viable”. Negotiating sure is fun isn’t it?


  1. you Prevaricating SOB...nice job Uncle Bill...have you considered sending these directly to the people who might enjoy them most?

  2. Maybe tomorrow's word should be compromise..hmmmm...
