Today’s word is “Believe”.
SO Boys and Girls, what does today’s word “Believe” mean?
Seriously? You don’t know what Believe means!! SERIOUSLY??!! Go get a dictionary and LOOK IT UP. Does Uncle Bill have to tell you EVERYTHING??!!
You do however appear to have the skills necessary for a brilliant career ahead of you in primary school arts management.
Here is how the word Believe works!
There is one simple rule: You have to use the word Believe three times in a sentence or not at all. For example “I believe that you are prevaricating” is an illegal use of the word. You should know that such violation may result in threatening languages or you having to sustain compromisable anecdotes.
Lets try again.
“I believe that you believe that I believe that you are prevaricating”.
Score Boys and Girls! Let’s try it one more time.
“I have a very hard time believing that I believe that you believe that I am a prevaricating dillhead.”
Oh, that was most excellent Boys and Girls! See how cleverly you cover the fact that you are prevaricating again! You are experts at this technique already! Words sure are fun!
Tomorrow’s word is “Entrepreneurial.” Wow! Boys and Girls! What an exciting word that is going to be!!
Uncle Bill phoned this one in...