Sunday, October 17, 2010

Today’s word is Leadership.

Today’s word is Leadership.

Leadership is the biggest word of all so far Boys and Girls. What makes a great leader? What makes a failed one? The answer is up to you.

A great leader must always be true and faithful to the wishes of those he represents. He understands that his wishes and opinions are only but one of many. A failed leader believes that he knows more than you do and that his vote should be worth a hundred of yours.

A great leader understands that his job is not to formulate opinion and impose his ideas upon others; a leader’s job is to listen with both ears and point the way to the destination the membership has chosen. A failed leader draws his conclusions and prints his map in ink beforehand, never wavering in his perceived “right” to lead the way.

A failed leader will listen only to his wants and needs, and despite the clamor around him, steadfastly attempt to rule over those who oppose his arrogance despite his impending surety for failure. A great leader focuses his attention on the wishes of those he represents; yet he always has a keen ear to the ground for his own biases so that he is faithfully adept in being able to identify his choices as selfless rather than selfish.

A failed leader believes that all failure is the responsibility of those he attempted to lead. A great leader knows that failures are bound to happen, incorporates them into his decision making early on so that failures are small and without great consequence.

A great leader’s biggest and sole reward is the success of those he represents. A failed leader expects others to praise him and constantly dreams of his reward beyond measure.  

A failed leader eats the whole pie and scurries around furtively in his attempt to disguise the crumbs. A great leader shares the pie unless he is really damn hungry and then apologetically owns up to his momentary gluttony.

A great leader always strives for harmony, agreement and mutual benefit. A failed leader relishes the fight and never lets go of the sword, even to the detriment of those he represents.

A great leader is creative in his thinking and is willing to bend in ways uncomfortable at first, if for no other reason that to appreciate a new perspective. A failed leader never bends and bristles at those who suggest he does.

A failed leader is blind to the possibilities. A great leader always looks for ways to create new possibilities.

You can never really tell what a failed leader is thinking. You can never really tell what a great leader is thinking. The difference is that a great leader makes it clear that he does not automatically assume his thinking is better than yours.

What kind of leader will you be Boys and Girls? What kind of leader will you follow?

Tomorrow’s word is “Objective”. See you then Uncle Bill!

1 comment:

  1. My former employer is having a leadership crisis as well.
